Thursday, July 10, 2008

People Who Wrongly Park In Handicapped Parking

It happens more and more frequently that I see people that walk just as good, if not better than I do, who park in parking spots designated for the handicapped. These have got to be some of the most selfish people on the face of the earth. When their car is parked there, someone that needs that parking slot has to park in a less convenient spot. It's not right.

It also seems that some selfish people out there believe that even though they themselves are not in a wheelchair or need a cane, that if they have a family member in a wheelchair, that this gives them an excuse to use handicapped parking, again either missing, or not caring that someone else is possibly suffering because of their inconsiderate behavior. It's not the wheelchair sticker hanging from the rear view mirror that makes it okay. If you don't need a wheelchair or cane, then the spirit of the rule is being violated.

I used to not see this very often, but I'm seeing it almost every day now.

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